Drivers, Beware of Bucket Seat Syndrome

Drivers, Beware of Bucket Seat SyndromeBy Pamela Adams D.C.If you have low back pain that never seems to resolvecompletely, no matter what you do for it; if you have neck andshoulder pain that comes and goes, you may have Bucket SeatSyndrome. More people are hurt by their car seats than they areby not wearing seat belts. You may go years without an autoaccident, but you spend every day sitting in a seat that, down theroad, is guaranteed to cause you pain.When car makers set about making the bucket seat theymust have taken their idea of the average driver (male, 5'11",170 lbs., who slouches badly) and designed a seat aroundhim. Ever afterward, we've all been forced into a position thatonly he finds comfortable.Today's car seats, particularly buckets, position your kneeshigher than your hips. This throws all your upper body weightback onto your gluteus maximus and piriformis musclesthrough which--and this is the important part--the Sciatic nerveruns. Sit on that nerve often enough and long enough, and add afat wallet in your back pocket, and you will probably end up withshooting pains down one or both legs.Human beings were designed to sit on their pelvic bones,or ischium, those hard bones you sometimes feel when youfirst sit down on a hard chair. Sitting on those bonesautomatically gives us a natural arch in the small of our backs.When we sit this way, the sciatic nerve, sacroilliac joints,lumbar vertebrae and hips are unencumbered and unstressed.In order to take the pressure off your sciatic nerve, you mustdrive with your thighs parallel to the floor of the car, your hips atthe same level as your knees. If you can adjust your seat to beflat, great. If not, fold a towel, use a small cushion, or buy a foamwedge to place in the dip of the seat.Sitting erect in a bucket seat, even with a wedge cushion, isnot easy. You'll need lumbar or low back support, too, to keepfrom leaning back and causing neck and shoulder pain. Onceyou've positioned yourself as if you were on horseback, slip asmall rounded cushion or rolled up towel behind the small ofyour back.You don't need to lean back. Your lower body willsupport your upper back and head. Now relax your shouldersand place your hands on the wheel as if you were holding thereins. You may need to bring your seat closer to the steeringwheel.At first, this new way of driving will feel awkward at best anduncomfortable at worst. Persist. Soon you will find that chroniclow back pain, stiff neck and shoulder pain will get better andbetter._________________________Copyright (c) 2003 Pamela Adams D.C.Holistic health coach and ergonomics expert Dr. Pamela Adamsis author of "Dr. Adams' Painless Guides; How to do Anythingand Everything Without Hurting Yourself." Get the books and yourfree biweekly Self Health Newsletter at
